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December 9, 2022

Mermaids for Modoc, presented by Permaculture Pinup

The Modoc is the ship utilized by the nonprofit Earthrace. This nonprofit was founded by the legendary Captain Pete Bethune. Mermaids for Modoc is a campaign to raise awareness for the important work Earthrace, via the Modoc does, for global ocean and wildlife conservation. Captain Pete was instrumental in the major shift of Japanese whaling activity in the Anatarctic waters. Want to listen to Pete speak about this? Make sure to watch his TedX talk at the bottom of this post.

Earthrace currently works on joint fishery patrols with government agencies in both Costa Rica. In 2019 Earthrace signed an agreement with the Costa Rican Minister of Environment that sees Earthrace partnering with government SINAC Rangers in Marine National Parks, and also jungle patrols in terrestrial National Parks (MORE). Earthrace provides the Modoc ship, tender vessels, Schiebel S100 UAV, food, fuel and crew, while the government provides rangers to oversee operations. The partnership has been very successful, and they have recently made an agreement to commence similar patrols in Panama.

Campaigns prior to 2019 have targeted wildlife smugglers, wildlife poachers, illegal logging and illegal fishing. We’ve completed 2 seasons of our TV Show “The Operatives” that raises awareness about important conservation issues. Earthrace has also run training camps for government teams and NGOs involved in wildlife protection.

Below is Captain Bethune’s TEDx Talk. Please visit the Earthrace website for SO MUCH MORE INFORMATION on the work Earthrace does and if you feel like you want to donate.

With Mermaids for Modoc, we are looking to create an alliance of caring merfolk who whill help spread the word about this important work and help us find donors for Earthrace to keep their integral work alive. Join the campaign below.


Join here for quarterly updates on the Modoc, Captain Pete, and how we, as innate ocean activists can support the work of Earthrace through our actions and influential posts. Follow Earthrace social media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Or you can even volunteer with their team. (more).

Join the list here by entering your email and hitting subscribe. We give shoutouts! Monthly shoutouts are given on the Green Wave and Earthrace social media to the new alliance joiners of Mermaids for Modoc.

*Note! We do not sell your data or email to marketers. Your email will only be shared with Earthrace.