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Green Wave By-Laws

January 24, 2016


  • The Board of Directors shall be self-perpetuating.
  • The Board can be enlarged only with unanimous vote of the directors.
  • Board members cannot be removed, they can only resign.
  • The Board of Directors will be the superior board to any sub-organizations Green Wave Enterprises may umbrella.
  • The Board must serve for free. However, expenses related to traveling to the annual meeting or representing Green Wave or sponsored projects can be paid for out of the resources of the non-profit.
  • The Board in its entirety must convene at least once a year. This meeting can take place over the phone via a conference call.  This meeting must meet quorum.
  • As Green Wave is legally required to have a minimum of three Board members, if Green Wave only had three board members and if two Board members resign, the remaining Board member shall appoint two new Board members. The resigning Board members shall be permitted, if they so choose, to write a note to the membership of the entire non-profit explaining their reasons for resigning.
  • In the continued circumstance of only three board members and one Board member resigns, the two remaining Board members shall appoint a new member. The new member must have the support of both Board members. If there is no such candidate, each Board member shall nominate their candidate for an election to be held by current members of the non-profit.


  • Remaining with the circumstance of the board needing to meet legal requirements and the two remaining board members cannot reach an agreement, an election may be held by email.  In this email election, both Board members shall be required to compose a letter to any stakeholder members of Green Wave explaining why they support the candidate they nominated, and why they were not able to reach agreement with the other Board member. The Board member who resigned shall also be required to write a note explaining their reasons for resigning. In addition, both candidates shall write a note explaining their goals and strategies for the non-profit should they become president. All five of these notes shall be emailed to the members in the same package.


  • Members may be polled and ideas and opinions taken into consideration, however, members have no voting authority on the business of the non-profit, unless they are needed to elect a new Board Member.


  • If President is a Board member, the President may hold this position indefinitely with unamimous approval of the Board.
  • If hired with an annual salary, the President is to be elected for a five-year term by the Board of Directors. However, the Board shall be authorized to fire the president at any time.
  • President's regular annual salary, if any, to be determined by vote of the Board of Directors. The president, if also a member of the Board, cannot vote on his or her own salary.
  • The President shall determine allocation of all resources without requiring Board approval.
  • President is required to prepare an annual report to the Board on all projects in which the non-profit is involved. This report may be submitted orally or in writing, at the discretion of the Board. Membership categories, charges, and benefits to be determined by President.