On August 31st an Ecological disaster took place in the Absolute protected reserve of Cabo Blanco.
According to the official version, a private boat navigating within the protected marine timezone of Cabo Blanco, was stranded against the rocks and sank during the early night of the 31st.
So far it has been declared an “Accident”.
For those of you that are not aware, Cabo Blanco was officially named the first Absolute protected reserve of Costa Rica in 1963, an incredibly successful achievement. The first prototype of its type in CR, one that has led to the protection of more than 28% of the country's territory today.
“It is more than a monument to humanity's hope for a better future, it is an example of nature in search of its balance”
The “accident” has caused tremendous ecological damage to this monument, as well as exposed the fragilities of a community that is deeply disconnected. A community that little by little has been losing the connection towards one another, and nature.
There is nothing more important than being connected as a community. It's our only possibility to protect and regenerate the very nature that has brought us here in the first place. History has proven that when there is connection between the individuals, open communication, and the willingness to collaborate, there are no challenges that are too big.
This destination continues to grow, to attract more people from all over the world, and the community continues to segregate itself by focusing on the differences between one another, separating ourselves by religions, nationalities, passions, etc…
It's time to come together, set our differences aside and focus on creating the conditions that can allow us to protect this beautiful place we all call home.
Cabo Blanco is in a State of Emergency and it requires our support, from each one of us. Let's use this tragic event as an opportunity to collaborate and reconnect with each other and with Nature.
There are three ways in which you can help us:
Support as a Volunteer - To help with the clean up of more than 3 km of beach front that has been heavily affected.
There is huge waste that has to be carried and removed from areas of risk.
There are thousands of fiberglass residue, polipropilene, poliestilane debris that represents a huge risk for the ecosystem.
Support Financially through donations -
The objective is to raise $10,000.00 usd to cover the cost of the heavy machinery that is required.
There is an estimate of around 20 tons of waste scattered throughout the impacted area.
Bulldozers to remove the large pieces of debris, generators, etc..
Trucks to take the waste out of the reserve
All donations will be made through the ADI account for the administration and allocation of resources http://paypal.me/adimalpaisantateresa
IF you are a U.S. citizen and would like to make a tax-deductible donation to this cause, please contact: greenwavefounder@gmail.com (for more details)
Raise awareness - Spread the word of this emergency.
There hasn't been any type of exposure in the media about this terrible incident
There is poor involvement from the local community and/or local organizations. Let's make everyone aware!
Use your power through social media by sharing this article with your friends and tagging government organizations.
Let's use this emergency as an opportunity to unite, as a community. We don't want our disconnection to become the catalyzing force of an ecological disaster or larger proportions as our home is being auctioned off to the highest bidder.
It's time to come together; it's time to regenerate the way we live; it's time to start relating and connecting with each other. The time is now.
If not now, when. If not us, who?
COMUNICADO 13 de setiembre, 2021
La Reserva Natural Absoluta CABO BLANCO, informa en relación al encallamiento dado desde el 30 agosto, que las labores de limpieza y extracción de escombros se retomarán a partir del 20 de setiembre.
Aprovechamos para agradecer a todos los colaboradores que, con sus manos, con corazón, con aporte de maquinaria y donaciones han contribuido a retirar la mayor amenaza de desechos de fibra, el combustible posible, el aceite derramado, y todos los escombros que la marea podía terminar de esparcir.
Al momento, la mayor parte de los escombros están concentrados en un lugar fuera de la zona entre mareas, (un área abierta frente la Estación Biológica San Miguel).
La pausa en la limpieza es con objetivo de dar descanso al personal, a los voluntarios, dar mantenimiento a los vehículos y lograr recaudar los fondos para maquinaria.
Agradecemos su apoyo nuevamente a partir del lunes 20, incluyendo el martes 21 y el miércoles 22.
Así mismo, se requieren recursos para contratar horas maquinaria (back joe, vagoneta o camión para extraer, alimentación para voluntarios, guantes, sacos y otros.
El apoyo se realizará a través de la fundación FUNDECODES, organización facultada para recibir fondos y canalizarlos al SINAC-ACT-RNA Cabo Blanco, (se le otorgará recibo y comprobante de donación).
Cuenta Banco Nacional: 100-01-083-000913-5
Cuenta Cliente: 15108310010009139
Cuenta IBAN: CR26015108310010009139
English letter written by Zunya Community of Mal Pais
"The Conversation"
Watch a video update about the shipwreck at Cabo Blanco. "The Conversation" is between Green Wave founder, Janine, and Zunya founder, Diego. Click on the image below to access the video and find out how you can help.